[R] Retraction WAS: Re: Randomising matrices
Charles C. Berry
cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
Sat Apr 28 23:45:25 CEST 2007
Sorry folks,
With some further checking, it turns out that this sampling
scheme does not conform to the relevant null.
On Sat, 28 Apr 2007, Charles C. Berry wrote:
> Nick Cutler <s0455078 <at> sms.ed.ac.uk> writes:
>> I would like to be able to randomise presence-absence (i.e. binary)
>> matrices whilst keeping both the row and column totals constant. Is
>> there a function in R that would allow me to do this?
>> I'm working with vegetation presence-absence matrices based on field
>> observations. The matrices are formatted to have sites as rows and
>> species as columns. The presence of a species on a site is indicated
>> with a 1 (absence is obviously indicated with a 0).
>> I would like to randomise the matrices many times in order to construct
>> null models. However, I cannot identify a function in R to do this, and
>> the programming looks tricky for someone of my limited skills.
>> Can anybody help me out?
> Nick,
> For a 1001 x 1001 matrix, this method takes less than 2 seconds on my 2 year old
> Windows PC.
> ronetab( marg1, marg2 ) returns a table of 0's and 1's according to the marginal
> contraints.
> ck.ronetab( marg1, marg2 ) checks that all the constraints were honored.
> msample <- function(x,marg)
> {
> ## Purpose: sample at most one each from each cell of a margin
> ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ## Arguments: x - number to sample, marg - a vector of integers
> ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ## Author: Charles C. Berry, Date: 28 Apr 2007, 08:17
> ## GPL 2.0 or better
> if (!(x<=sum(marg) && all(marg>=0))) browser()
> wm <- which(marg!=0)
> if (length(wm)==1) {
> wm
> } else {
> sample( seq(along=marg), x, prob=marg )
> }
> }
> ronetab <- function(m1,m2,debug=F)
> {
> ## Purpose: sample from a table with fixed margins and {0,1} cell values
> ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ## Arguments: m1, m2 - two margins
> ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ## Author: Charles C. Berry, Date: 28 Apr 2007, 08:21
> ## GPL 2.0 or better
> stopifnot( sum(m1)==sum(m2)|| max(m1)>length(m2) || max(m2)>length(m1) )
> i.list <- j.list <- list()
> k <- 0
> while( sum(m1)>0 ){
> k <- k+1
> if ( sum(m1!=0) > sum(m2!=0) ){
> i <- which.max( m1)
> j <- msample( m1[i], m2 )
> i.list[[ k ]] <- rep( i, m1[i] )
> j.list[[ k ]] <- j
> m1[i] <- 0
> m2[ j ] <- m2[ j ] - 1
> } else {
> j <- which.max( m2 )
> i <- msample( m2[j], m1 )
> i.list[[ k ]] <- i
> j.list[[ k ]] <- rep( j, m2[j] )
> m2[j] <- 0
> m1[ i ] <- m1[ i ] - 1
> }
> }
> res <- array(0, c(length(m1), length(m2) ) )
> res[ cbind( unlist(i.list), unlist(j.list) ) ] <- 1
> res
> }
> ck.ronetab <- function(m1,m2){
> tab <- ronetab(m1,m2)
> m1.ck <- all(m1==rowSums(tab))
> m2.ck <- all(m2==colSums(tab))
> cell.ck <- all( tab %in% 0:1 )
> res <- m1.ck & m2.ck & cell.ck
> if (!res) attr(res,"tab") <- tab
> res
> }
> I'll warn you that I have not worked through what looks to be a tedious proof
> that this randomly samples matrices under the constraints. The heuristics seem
> right, and a few simulation spot checks look reasonable. If you do not want to
> trust it, you can still use it to generate a starting value for an MCMC run.
> HTH,
> Chuck
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Charles C. Berry (858) 534-2098
Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu UC San Diego
http://biostat.ucsd.edu/~cberry/ La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901
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