[R] Inflate/Expand/Resize an array

Robin Hankin r.hankin at noc.soton.ac.uk
Fri Apr 27 12:56:54 CEST 2007


  f.dims <- c(10,25,1,1,1,14)
  m.dims <- c(10, 1,1,1,1,14)
  f <- array(1:prod(f.dims),f.dims)
  m <- array(1:prod(m.dims),m.dims)
  jj <- do.call(abind,c(rep(list(m),25),along=2))


f + jj

will give you what you want.

The more general problem is a bit harder, as you say....



On 27 Apr 2007, at 10:41, Mark Payne wrote:

> Gudday,
> I've had a good look everywhere trying to figure out how to do  
> this, but
> I'm afraid I can seem to find an answer anywhere - maybe its  
> because I'm
> not using the right terms, or maybe its because I'm a dummy. But
> unfortunately, I am not completely and utterly stuck. Here's the
> problem:
> I have two large, six dimensional arrays that I would like to add
> together. Lets call them f and m. Their dimensions are respectively:
>> dim(f)
> [1] 10  25  1  1  1 14
>> dim(m)
> [1] 10 1 1 1 1 14
> You can see that they're pretty close in size, but not identical.  
> What I
> would like to do is expand or inflate m along its second dimension so
> that it ends up with dimension 10 25 1 1 1 14, so that I can then add
> the two together - the new values created along that second dimension
> would simply be copies of the first value..
> What's the fastest way to do this? Is there a dedicated function?
> Ideally I envisage something that you feed the input array, and the
> desired dimensions, and it does the rest for you. Please also bear in
> mind that this is a specific problem - the more general case is  
> where I
> don't know which dimensions are "out of shape", so to speak...
> I hope that's clear, and that someone can me out here...
> Cheers,
> Mark
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Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
  tel  023-8059-7743

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