[R] levelplot and unequal cell sizes
Waichler, Scott R
Scott.Waichler at pnl.gov
Fri Apr 27 00:46:47 CEST 2007
> my.panel.levelplot <-
> function (x, y, z, subscripts, at = pretty(z),
> col.regions = regions$col, ...,
> w, h)
> {
> regions <- trellis.par.get("regions")
> numcol <- length(at) - 1
> numcol.r <- length(col.regions)
> col.regions <- if (numcol.r <= numcol)
> rep(col.regions, length = numcol)
> else col.regions[floor(1+(1:numcol-1) * (numcol.r-1)/(numcol-1))]
> zcol <- findInterval(z, at, rightmost.closed = TRUE)
> x <- as.numeric(x[subscripts])
> y <- as.numeric(y[subscripts])
> z <- as.numeric(z[subscripts])
> w <- as.numeric(w[subscripts])
> h <- as.numeric(h[subscripts])
> zcol <- as.numeric(zcol[subscripts])
> print(data.frame(z, x.node, y.node, w.node, h.node,
> col.regions[zcol]))
> panel.rect(x = x, y = y, width = w, height = h,
> col = col.regions[zcol], ...) }
Another note on this panel function to use with levelplot()---the cut()
function may be better than findInterval() for applications where you
want NA returned for values outside the supplied interval ranges. So
intead of using
zcol <- findInterval(z, at, rightmost.closed = TRUE)
above, I use
zcol <- as.integer(cut(z, at, labels=F))
Intervals here are closed on the right, open on the left (b1, bd]. So,
for at = (1,2,3) and z = (1,1.01,3,3.01), then zcol = (NA,1,2,NA). I
represent NA with "transparent" in the final color contour plot.
Scott Waichler
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