[R] Odp: (no subject)

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Tue Apr 24 12:11:00 CEST 2007


you shall:

use appropriate subject e.g. how to subset data
use [ ] brackets
initialize object donC before using it for assignment

and maybe try to look to some docummentation how to manipulate R objects 
(Paul Johnsons R tips are easily found by Google and they help me a lot 
during my first steps)

BTW split(don[, some.columns], don$Id_Cara) could maybe do what you want 
without using for cycle


Petr Pikal
petr.pikal at precheza.cz

r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch napsal dne 24.04.2007 11:48:48:

> I wanna display some data which there are subsets of a dataframe called 
> but there are errors like this
> > L=as.numeric(levels(factor(don$Id_Cara)))
> > for(i in L){
> + donC(i)=subset(don, Id_Cara == i, select = c( Id_TrT1, Id_Geno, 
Id_Rep, Val_O))
> + donC(i)
> + }
> Erreur dans donC(i) = subset(don, Id_Cara == i, select = c(Id_TrT1, 
Id_Geno,  : 
>         impossible de trouver la fonction "donC<-"
> I understand that the problem comes from the third line 
> it doesn't reconize "donC(i)" but  it's very important to make one 
> (in french) on the L's elements.
> to tell more about L :
> > L
> [1] 103 137 138 177 193 308
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