[R] LimmaGUI

solie.alizadeh at utoronto.ca solie.alizadeh at utoronto.ca
Mon Apr 23 22:03:23 CEST 2007

Hi everyone,

I have a question about limmaGUI.I've just started to use the program  
for microarray analysis.My problem is after loading data into Limma  
(with GAl file and RNA targets file),I'm not able to create an M box  
plot and everytime I'm trying to do that, some error appear:
Error in .find.package(pkg): there is no package called 'tkrplot'
Error in try(expr,TRUE): could not find function "tkrplot"
Error in .Tcl.args.objv(...):object "img" not found
I would also like to know if it's necessary to have a spot type file.
I'm using R in windows xp,version 2.3.1 and limmaGUI version 1.8.1  
using limma version 2.7.10.
Could the problem be the version of LimmaGUI I'm using?
I appreciate your help.

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