[R] importing sas datasets

Daniel Nordlund res90sx5 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 23 20:28:24 CEST 2007

> -----Original Message-----
> From: a.martino at crismaitalia.it [mailto:a.martino at crismaitalia.it]
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 8:45 AM
> To: John Kane; Daniel Nordlund; r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: Re: [R] importing sas datasets
> Hi John and Daniel,
> Thanks for your suggestions, I updated line 127 of the
> sas.get function  but after submitting the following
> command:
> c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001", var=("   "),

Why are you using parentheses in the line above for the var parameter?  If you want all variables, just leave the var parameter out of the call (it defaults to all variables).  But if you want to include it, the function call could be:

  c<- sas.get(lib="c:\\ghan", mem="mkds0001", var="",  
        sasprog="C:\\Programmi\\SAS\\SAS 9.1\\sas.exe")

Hope this is helpful,


Daniel Nordlund 
Bothell, WA USA

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