[R] possible bug in xYplot and smean.cl.normal
Harry Athanassiou
hasentmail at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 02:30:17 CEST 2007
I'm using R (2.4.1) and Hmisc (3.3-1), and I'd like to plot confidence
intervals using xYplot and smean.cl.normal (or smean.cl.boot) from Hmisc.
You can do that using the summarize() to produce a new data.frame and then
plot with xYplot, or by specifying method=smean.cl.normal in the xYplot.
Both produce very similar graphs in all trivial examples I've tried, but not
in the attached dataset, where the "method=smean.cl.normal in the xYplot"
produces much smaller Cis! This happens only with smean.cl.boot and
smean.cl.normal, but not with quantile!
Please help
## plot CIs : compare summarize and xYplot(method= fun)
# this is a part of a larger set, but the issue is the same
dat.fss <- read.csv("JMF2_141-dbdemo-FSS-FSS.csv")
# fix factors
dat.fss$WellCol <- ordered(dat.fss$WellCol)
# define common scale for the y
ylim1 <- c(0,600)
# smean.cl.normal
conf.int.1 <- 0.95
ci <- summarize(Colony_Cnt, llist(WellRow, WellCol, WellName, Treatment,
Scan), smean.cl.normal, conf.int=conf.int.1, na.rm=T)
# using summarize
xYplot(Cbind(Colony_Cnt, Lower, Upper) ~ Scan | WellCol * WellRow, groups=
Treatment, data= ci,
cex=0.1, lwd=2, lty.bands=rep("solid", 2), col.bands=rep("black",
2), lwd.bands=rep(1,2),
method="bands", type="l", ylim= ylim1, na.rm=T
# using method=
xYplot(Colony_Cnt ~ Scan | WellCol * WellRow , groups= Treatment, data=
cex=0.1, lwd=2, lty.bands=rep("solid", 2), col.bands=rep("black",
2), lwd.bands=rep(1,2),
method= smean.cl.normal, methodArgs= list(conf.int=conf.int.1),
type="l", ylim= ylim1, na.rm=T
# VERY different CIs!!!!
# quantile
probs1 <- c(0.5, 0.25, 0.75)
ci <- summarize(Colony_Cnt, llist(WellRow, WellCol, WellName, Treatment,
Scan), quantile, probs= probs1, na.rm=T)
n1 <- length(colnames(ci))
colnames(ci)[(n1-1):n1] <- c("Lower", "Upper") # rename cols to match
# using summarize
xYplot(Cbind(Colony_Cnt, Lower, Upper) ~ Scan | WellCol * WellRow, groups=
Treatment, data= ci,
cex=0.1, lwd=2, lty.bands=rep("solid", 2), col.bands=rep("black",
2), lwd.bands=rep(1,2),
method="bands", type="l", ylim= ylim1, na.rm=T
# using method=
xYplot(Colony_Cnt ~ Scan | WellCol * WellRow , groups= Treatment, data=
cex=0.1, lwd=2, lty.bands=rep("solid", 2), col.bands=rep("black",
2), lwd.bands=rep(1,2),
method= "quantile", methodArgs= list(probs= probs1),
type="l", ylim= ylim1, na.rm=T
# VERY close with quantile
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