[R] Simplify simple code

Dong-hyun Oh r.arecibo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 07:37:17 CEST 2007

Dear expeRts,

I would simplify following code.
youtput <- function(x1, x2){
   n <- length(x1)
   y <- vector(mode="numeric", length=n)
   for(i in 1:n){
     if(x1[i] >=5 & x1[i] <= 10 & x2[i] >=5 & x2[i] <=10)
       y[i] <- 0.631 * x1[i]^0.55 * x2[i]^0.65
     if(x1[i] >=10 & x1[i] <= 15 & x2[i] >=5 & x2[i] <=10)
       y[i] <- 0.794 * x1[i]^0.45 * x2[i]^0.65
     if(x1[i] >=5 & x1[i] <= 10 & x2[i] >=10 & x2[i] <=15)
       y[i] <- 1.259 * x1[i]^0.55 * x2[i]^0.35
     if(x1[i] >=10 & x1[i] <= 15 & x2[i] >=10 & x2[i] <=15)
       y[i] <- 1.585 * x1[i]^0.45 * x2[i]^0.35
Anyone can help me?


Dong H. Oh

Ph. D Candidate
Techno-Economics and Policy Program
College of Engineering, Seoul National University,
Seoul, 151-050, Republic of Korea

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