[R] t-stat Curve

Isaac Barjis IBarjis at CityTech.Cuny.Edu
Wed Sep 27 17:07:32 CEST 2006

Number of subjects = 25
Mean of Sample = 77
Standard Deviation (s) = 12
sem = 2.4
df = 24

The claim is that population mean is less than 80
* > 80
So our H0 (null hupotheis) is * > 80

> qt(.95,24)
[1] 1.710882
> qt(0.05, 24)
[1] -1.710882

tstat = -1.25 on t24 falls between 1.711 (.95,24) and *1.711 (.005,24)

How Could I sketch t curve for the above data where my * would be at the center?

Best Regards

Dr. I. Barjis
Assistant Professor
Summer and Evening Coordinator
Department of  Biological Sciences
Room P313
300 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (718)2605285
Fax: (718)2548680
Fax: (718) 254-8595 Department Office

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