[R] Problem setting options(error=recover) in my Rprofile.site

Marcus, Jeffrey Jeffrey.Marcus at nuance.com
Thu Sep 14 16:48:13 CEST 2006

I'd like to be able to set options(error=recover) in my Rprofile.site file.
When I do this I get the message
 "Error in options(error = recover) : object "recover" not found

I assume this is because the utils package (where recover and dump.frames
are defined) has not been loaded at the time I make this call. 

I suppose I could explicitly do library("utils") before setting the
"options" even though it will be loaded again when the default packages are

Any simpler suggestions of how to get options(error=recover) set
automatically every time I start R? 

More generally, is there a way to have code executed on startup but *after*
the default packages are loaded? 



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