[R] forcing levelplot to use relative cuts (ie cuts for each panel)

Mike Townsley uctcmkt at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 13 10:20:40 CEST 2006

Dear guRus,

I'm having trouble producing a levelplot with relative cuts for each 
panel (my data has large differences in scales, so I want to use 
quantiles for each panel).

My attempts to change the 'at'  argument in panel.levelplot function 
have not met with success.

Below is a toy example.

xy <- expand.grid(x = 1:3, y = 1:3)

aaa <- rbind(cbind(xy, z = 1:9, site = rep('A', 9)),
              cbind(xy, z = (1:9)/10, site = rep('B', 9)),
              cbind(xy, z = (1:9)*10, site = rep('C', 9)))


levelplot(z~x+y|site, data = aaa)         # using absolute cuts

# now, attempt relative cuts

levelplot(z~x+y|site, data = aaa, panel = function(...) {
           panel.levelplot(at = quantile(z),...) })

I get the following message:
Error in panel.levelplot(at = quantile(z), ...) :
         formal argument "at" matched by multiple actual arguments

My idea was to determine the cut points each time the panel function 
is called (ie each subset of the data), but I guess this was the 
wrong thing to do.  Can someone point out what I'm missing?

Thanks in advance,


Dr Michael Townsley
Senior Research Fellow
Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science
University College London
Second Floor, Brook House
London, WC1E 7HN

Phone: 020 7679 0820
Fax: 020 7679 0828
Email: m.townsley at ucl.ac.uk

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