[R] Updating lmer - object is not subsettable?
Jarrett Byrnes
jebyrnes at ucdavis.edu
Wed Sep 13 02:26:45 CEST 2006
I'm attempting to write a general function to implement Faraway's
bootstrapping algorithm for mixed models with lmer, but have run into
a curious problem. I'm comparing two models
model.1<-lmer(Response ~ Treatment + (1|Trial), data=exp.data,
model.2<-lmer(Response ~ 1 + (1|Trial), data=exp.data, method="ML")
When I attempt to update model.2 with simulated data, however, I get
the following error:
sim.model.2<-update(model.2, sim.data~.)
Error in x[[3]] : object is not subsettable
Now, the following
sim.model.1<-update(model.1, sim.data~.)
appears to work just fine. Does anyone know why update won't work,
and is there something I can do about this?
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