[R] plot image matrix with row/col labels

Michael Friendly friendly at yorku.ca
Thu Sep 7 19:59:50 CEST 2006

I'm working with an historical image that may be (one of?) the first 
uses of gray-scale shading to show the pattern of values in a 
matrix/table, later used by Bertin in his 'reorderable matrix'
and sometimes called a scalogram.

The image is at
The rows refer to the arrondisements of Paris, the cols to various
population characteristics.

I want to read it into R with rimage(read.jpeg), calcualte avg. shading 
and recreate an approximation to the image with the row and column 
labels.  I'm stuck at this last step,
(and also on how to read the image from a URL).

Can someone help?  My code is below

image <- read.jpeg("C:/Documents/milestone/images/scalogram.jpg")
## how to read from web?
#image <- 

# remove row/col headers
img2 <- image[480:1740, 470:2350]

# size of each blob
ht <-floor(nrow(img2)/20);
wd <-floor(ncol(img2)/40)

# calculate trimmed mean of pixel values
mat <- matrix(nrow=20,ncol=40,0)
for (i in 1:20) {
	for (j in 1:40) {
		rows <- seq(1+(i-1)*ht, i*ht)
		cols <- seq(1+(j-1)*wd, j*wd)
		blob <- img2[ rows,  cols ]
		mat[i,j] <- mean(blob, trim=0.1)

# names for arrrondisements
rnames <- c(
	"01 Louvre", "02 Bourse", "03 Temple", "04 Hotel de Ville", "05 Pantheon",
	"06 Luxembourg", "07 Palais", "08 Eglise", "09 Opera", "10 St. Laurent",
	"11 Popincourt", "12 Reuilly", "13 Goeblins", "14 Observatoire", "15 
	"16 Passy", "17 Batingnoles", "18 Montmartre", "19 B. Chaumont", "20 

#names for population characteristics
cnames <- c("01 Accrois. pop", "02 Pop specifique", "03 
Habitants/menage", "04 Maisons/hectare", "05 Habitants/maison",
	"06 Appart./maison", "07 Appart. vacantes", "08 Locaux Indust.&C", "09 
Garnisson,", "10 Parisiens",
	"11 Provinseaux", "12 Etrangers", "13 Calvinistes", "14 Lutheriens", 
"15 Isrealites",
	"16 Libres penseurs", "17 Illettres", "18 Enfants", "19 Mineurs", "20 
	"21 Vieillards", "22 Electeurs", "23 Horticulture", "24 Industrie", "25 
	"26 Transports", "27 Prof. diverses", "28 Prof. liberales", "29 Forces 
publiques", "30 Admin. publique",
	"31 Clerge",  "32 Proprietaires rentiers", "33 Pop. aisee", "34 
Employees", "35 Ouvriers",
	"36 Journaliers", "37 Domestiques", "38 Chevaux", "39 Chiens", "40 

dimnames(mat) <- list(rnames, cnames)

# how to plot the image matrix with row/col names???

# show the image matrix

Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University      Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/friendly.html
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

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