[R] Help on estimated variance in lme4
jerome lemaitre
jerome.lemaitre.1 at ulaval.ca
Wed Sep 6 18:41:04 CEST 2006
Dear all,
I get an error message when I run my model and I am not sure what to do
about it.
I try to determine what factors influence the survival of voles. I use a
mixed-model because I have several voles per site (varying from 2 to 19
Here is the model:
fm5 <-lmer(data=cdrgsaou2,
Description of variables
Alive: 0 or 1; dead or alive
pacut: 0 or 1; presence of parasites
agecamp: a or j; adult or juvenile
sex: m or f; male or female
ResCondCorp: body condition, continuous;
cdrgsaou2$ids: name of the site.
Here is the output:
Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
Formula: alive ~ factor(pacut) + factor(agecamp) + factor(sex) + ResCondCorp
+ (1 | factor(cdrgsaou2$ids))
Data: cdrgsaou2
Family: binomial(logit link)
AIC BIC logLik deviance
305.7418 328.7331 -146.8709 293.7418
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
factor(cdrgsaou2$ids) (Intercept) 0.034382 0.18542
number of obs: 341, groups: factor(cdrgsaou2$ids), 36
Estimated scale (compare to 1) 2.174681
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.971458 0.250951 3.8711 0.0001083 ***
factor(pacut)1 -0.831888 0.358583 -2.3199 0.0203447 *
factor(agecamp)j -1.294236 0.330638 -3.9144 9.065e-05 ***
factor(sex)m 0.581713 0.296229 1.9637 0.0495616 *
ResCondCorp -0.176251 0.020263 -8.6982 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) fct()1 fctr(g) fctr(s)
factr(pct)1 -0.334
fctr(gcmp)j -0.417 0.066
factor(sx)m -0.505 -0.002 -0.173
ResCondCorp -0.309 -0.010 0.302 -0.032
Here is the error message:
Warning message:
Estimated variance for factor 'factor(cdrgsaou2$ids)' is effectively zero
in: LMEopt(x = mer, value = cv)
Thank you very much by advance for any help.
Jérôme Lemaître
Ph.D. student
Silviculture-wildlife research chair in irregular boreal forests
& Départment of biology,
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
Alexandre-Vachon building
University Laval
Quebec, QC G1K 7P4
Phone : (418) 656-2131 poste 2917
Office : VCH-2044
Email: jerome.lemaitre.1 at ulaval.ca
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