[R] install.views

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Fri Oct 27 12:46:11 CEST 2006

On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 19:36 +0900, Pierre D'Ange wrote:
> Since I had too much junk cluttering my computer, I recently re-set it
> back to factory settings, in the process eliminating R.  I now have to
> reload R and packages, and would like to do that via the install.views
> command.  I have successfully downloaded the package "ctv" but R does
> not recognize install.views.

What is the error message? What exact set of commands did you execute?
Please read the posting guide before posting and provide the information
it asks you to.

If the error is something like:

> install.views("Econometrics")
Error: could not find function "install.views"

Then you forgot to load the package for use in R. Try:


And, if this was the case, the text you quoted below your message
contained the solution:

> > the views can be installed via
> > install.views (after loading ctv), e.g.,
If this isn't the case, then follow the posting guide and provide us
with more information.



> What am I doing wrong?
> I am using R 2.4.0.
> Pierre D'Ange.
> "To automatically install these views, the ctv package needs to be
> installed, e.g., via
> install.packages("ctv") and then the views can be installed via
> install.views (after loading ctv), e.g.,
> install.views("Econometrics")"
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 *Note new Address and Fax and Telephone numbers from 10th April 2006*
Gavin Simpson                     [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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