[R] ROracle error in Windows. Memory could not be read.

Jens Scheidtmann JensScheidtmann at web.de
Sat Oct 21 23:47:45 CEST 2006

Adrian Dragulescu <adrian_d at eskimo.com> writes:

> I've seen from earlier posts that other people had problems installing
> ROracle under Windows.  I run R-2.3.1.
> I got the Windows binaries for ROracle from
> http://stat.bell-labs.com/RS-DBI/download/index.html
> Here is my session:
>> require(ROracle)
> Loading required package: ROracle
> Loading required package: DBI
> [1] TRUE
>> drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
>> drv
> <OraDriver:(1648)>
>> con <- dbConnect(drv, user="USER", password="PASS", dbname="TEST")
> A window pops up, with the message:  The instruction at "0x6260c621"
> referenced memory at "0x4a280ae2".  The memory could not be read.  And R
> freezes.

Switch on debugging in the oracle client (sqlnet.ora).
Maybe you can get a glimpse on what's wrong.

Please provide version information (Oracle Client libs, Oracle DB).

Is there any network traffic going to or coming from the DB?

> Something is working, because I get to establish an Oracle driver.

What do you mean by that?

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