[R] How to get multiple Correlation Coefficients

Kum-Hoe Hwang phdhwang at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 12:01:55 CEST 2006


I have used a polycor package for categorical correlation coefficients.
I run the following script. But there were no results.

Could you tell me how to correct the script?

Thanks in advance,

vars <- names(sdi)
for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
for (j in 1:length(vars)) {
  paste(vars[i]," and ", vars[j])
  polychor(vars[i], vars[j])
  # corr

Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.Phone : 82-31-250-3516Email : phdhwang at gmail.com

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