[R] ANOVA and Levene's test in nested model

Emilia Pippola epippola at mail.student.oulu.fi
Tue Oct 17 14:10:21 CEST 2006

Dear All,

I sent already before a message concerning Levene's test in nested model,
but I didn't get any answer. Optimistically I hope to get an answer this
time. I also point a new question related to the whole model, because I
haven't find any sure answer if I am analysing it in a suitable way or
not. I really have tried to do my homework.

I have response variable (y) and four factors (a, b, c, d). One of
these four factors (d) is nested within another factor (c). In addition,
I would like to take into account only 2nd degree interactions in my

I tried to analyse this model in the following ways (both gave same

> model1<-aov(y~(a+b+c)^2 + Error(d))

> model2<-aov(y~(a+b+c)^2 + Error(d%in%c))

Is this correct?

I guess another option would be lme in package nlme

> model3<-lme(y~(a+b+c)^2, random=~1|d)
> anova(model3)

I am also willing to test homogenity of variances in this model using
Levene's test. How to do it in this kind of case?

I'll appreciate all advices.

With kind regards


Emilia Pippola, research assistant
University of Oulu

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E-mail: epippola at mail.student.oulu.fi

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