[R] help with plot()

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Oct 16 16:11:52 CEST 2006

On 10/16/2006 9:44 AM, tom soyer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to R and I have been trying it out. I ran into a problem with the
> plot() function. Below is my code:
>  > d <- read.table("c:/test/sp.txt",header=0)
>> spval <- d[,2]
>> plot(spval,type="l")
> Warning messages:
> 1: graphical parameter "type" is obsolete in: plot.window(xlim, ylim, log,
> asp, ...)
> 2: graphical parameter "type" is obsolete in: axis(side, at, labels, tick,
> line, pos, outer, font, lty, lwd,
> 3: graphical parameter "type" is obsolete in: title(main, sub, xlab, ylab,
> line, outer, ...)
> 4: graphical parameter "type" is obsolete in: axis(side, at, labels, tick,
> line, pos, outer, font, lty, lwd,
> I tried to plot a line graph from a text file with two columns. Some how R
> won't plot the data as lines, and it kept giving me the same warning: "type"
> is obsolete. What does this mean? Am I doing something wrong, or is the
> parameter really obsolete, or do I need install some package?

I wouldn't expect to see those messages, but you don't tell us what 
version of R you're using, on what platform, and don't tell us what 
spval looks like.

I'm guessing that spval is a factor.  Plotting a factor will plot a bar 
plot of the counts of the levels; it doesn't make sense to ask for 

Duncan Murdoch

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