[R] multiply two matrixes with the different dimension column by column

Majid Iravani majid.iravani at wsl.ch
Fri Oct 13 13:33:53 CEST 2006

Dear all,
I would like to multiply two matrixes with the different dimension column 
by column. Let make an example:
If I have two matrixes "X" and "Y"as follow:

X<- matrix(1:12, nrow=4, ncol=3, dimnames=list(c("A","B","C","D"), 
Y<- matrix(1:28, nrow=4, ncol=7, dimnames=list(c("A","B","C","D"), 
c("site1","site2","site3","site4","site5", "site6","site7")))

  I would like to multiply first column of the "Y"matrix (site1) to the all 
of the columns in "X"matrix. Then, the product will be three new columns 
(for example:site1stage1, site1stage2 and site1stage3 or something like 
this) which I want to add to "Y"matrix. As my site (Y) dataset has too many 
columns, it's not easy to do it in Excel and I'm looking for a command in R 
to prepare a new data frame for more analysis. So I would greatly 
appreciate if anybody can help me in this case.
Thanks in advance
  Majid Iravani
  PhD Student
  Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
  Research Group of Vegetation Ecology
  Zürcherstrasse 111  CH-8903 Birmensdorf  Switzerland
  Phone: +41-1-739-2693
  Fax: +41-1-739-2215
  Email: Majid.iravani at wsl.ch

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