[R] Including time in a zoo
Horace Tso
Horace.Tso at pgn.com
Tue Oct 10 23:19:24 CEST 2006
dear list,
I have these hourly price data over a 20 year period. Among other things, I want to plot them with time on the x-axis. The data is in a data frame,
> head(OWI.SE.all)
Record_Number Name Condition Time_Period Price
13 12 WECC-OWI SouthEast All 1/1/2012 Hour: 1 41.21383
28 27 WECC-OWI SouthEast All 1/1/2012 Hour: 2 38.38091
43 42 WECC-OWI SouthEast All 1/1/2012 Hour: 3 39.97879
58 57 WECC-OWI SouthEast All 1/1/2012 Hour: 4 40.14156
73 72 WECC-OWI SouthEast All 1/1/2012 Hour: 5 38.21092
88 87 WECC-OWI SouthEast All 1/1/2012 Hour: 6 40.09152
And the date-times are in a POSIX object dte1,
> class(dte1)
[1] "POSIXt" "POSIXlt"
When I tried to create a zoo with dte1 as the index, I got an error,
> zoo(OWI.SE.all, dte1)
Error in order(x, ..., na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing) :
unimplemented type 'list' in 'orderVector1'
I guess that's saying the index of a zoo can't have a time component. Am I correct? If so, is there a way to include an hour component in a zoo object.
Second question:
If I just attach this dte1 to my data frame as a column named Date and try plotting it as,
> plot(OWI.SE.all$Date, OWI.SE.all$Price, type="l")
I got non-sensical result. How do I plot hourly data in general?
Horace W. Tso
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