[R] "which" command

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Thu Oct 5 23:44:18 CEST 2006

Are you sure Fall.dat is identical on both platforms, and that dt is also?
Did you intend to ignore the cases where dt$V2 equals zero?

Try, for example,
   table(which(dt[,2] == 0))   ## also ==1, ==2, ==3
   unique(  dt[which(dt[,2] == 0),5]    ## also ==1, ==2, ==3
   unique( dt$V5 )
  adding na.rm=TRUE to mean()

Also, try this:
   tmp <- lapply( split( dt$V5, dt$V2) , mean )
   Favg <- unlist(tmp)


At 4:57 PM -0400 10/5/06, AgusSusanto wrote:
>I obtained error messages when I run these commands in UNIX, but I
>obtained correct result when I run these command in WINDOWS.  Can
>somebody point out the problem and give the solution. Thanks.
>  > dt<-read.table(file="Fall.dat")
>  > dim(dt)
>[1] 1941    5
>  > table(dt$V2)
>   0   1   2   3
>220 989 639  93
>  >
>  > Favg<-as.matrix(c(1:max(dt$V2)))
>  >
>  > for(i in 1:max(dt$V2)){Favg[i]<-mean(dt[which(dt[,2] == i),5])}
>  > Favg
>      [,1]
>[1,]   NA
>[2,]   NA
>[3,]   NA
>Warning messages:
>argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA (etc)
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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