[R] glm with nesting
Jeffrey Stratford
stratja at auburn.edu
Thu Oct 5 12:46:36 CEST 2006
I just had a manuscript returned with the biggest problem being the
analysis. Instead of using principal components in a regression I've
been asked to analyze a few variables separately. So that's what I'm
I pulled a feather from young birds and we quantified certain aspects of
the color of those feathers. Since I often have more than one sample
from a nest, I thought I should use a nested design.
Here's the code I've been using and I'd appreciate if someone could look
it over and see if it was correct.
bb.glm1 <- glm(rtot ~ box/(julian +purbank), data=bbmale,
family="gaussian", na.action=na.omit)
where rtot = total reflectance, box = nest box (i.e., birdhouse),
julian = day of the year and purbank = the proportion of urban cover in
a 1 km buffer around the nest box. I'm not interested in the box effect
and I've seperated males and female chicks.
I've asked about nestedness before and I was given code that included
"|" to indicate nestedness but this indicates a grouping does it not? I
suspect that there is something wrong. In the summary I get
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.880e-01 3.224e-03 89.322 <2e-16 ***
box -3.219e-05 6.792e-05 -0.474 0.636
box:julian 7.093e-08 3.971e-07 0.179 0.859
box:purbank -1.735e-05 1.502e-04 -0.115 0.908
The other question I have is how do I test a null hypothesis - no
explanatory variables? [rtot ~ NULL?]
Many thanks,
Jeffrey A. Stratford, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
331 Funchess Hall
Department of Biological Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849
FAX 334-844-9234
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