[R] A statement over multiple lines (i.e. the ... feature in Matlab)

Wee-Jin Goh wjgoh at brookes.ac.uk
Thu Oct 5 09:28:51 CEST 2006

Hello again list,

I thought I'd start a new thread, seeing as it's completely different  
from my previous question. Some functions I have written require many  
parameters, and so do not fit nicely into an 80 column width display.  
This is usually avoided, by spreading that particular statement over  
a few lines. This is something that I do in Matlab with the following:

myFunc( parameter1, ...
parameter2, ...
parameter3, ...

The  ... operator in Matlab allows me to spread a statement over  
several lines. The ... operator in R seems to be more like the ...  
operator in C, which allows for a variable argument list.

How do I accomplish this task in R? It's not a show stopper, but it  
would make reading my code much much easier.


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