[R] How can I generate this numbers

Ricardo Rios alfilnegro.sv at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 16:47:42 CEST 2006

The model is http://www.geocities.com/ricardo_rios_sv/doc/model.pdf

but it is a neural networks , excuse me it is not statistical model,
however it is a nonparametric model, does somebody
know this model? I'm looking for information about this model
but I didn't found information about it model.

Thanks very much for the function.

On 10/2/06, Rolf Turner <rolf at erdos.math.unb.ca> wrote:
> Ricardo Rios wrote:
> > Hi Rolf Turner, I have a  statistical model, it model need this
> > numbers for calculate the probability. This numbers must be random.
> >
> > For example I need that
> > >magicfunction(3)
> > >[1] 0.3152460 0.5231614 0.1615926
> > >magicfunction(3)
> > >[1]  0.6147933 0.3122999  0.0729068
> >
> > but the argument of the function is arbitrary , does somebody
> > know if exist this function in R?
>         As far as I know, no such function exists in R, but
>         it would be totally trivial to write one, if that's
>         what you really want.
>         However the question you pose makes little sense to me.  If
>         you really have a ``statisical model'' then there must be
>         some marginal distribution for each of the probabilities (I
>         *assume* They are probabilities) going into the sequence
>         which you wish to sum to 1.
>         You mention no such distribution.
>         To generate such a sequence with an arbitray marginal
>         distribution is so trivial that it does not bear discussing.
>         If you really can't see how to do this, then you probably
>         shouldn't be messing about with ``statistical models''.
>         You did not explicitly deny that this is a homework problem.
>         I still suspect that it is.
>                                 cheers,
>                                         Rolf Turner

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