[R] Fixed zeros in tables
Andrew Robinson
A.Robinson at ms.unimelb.edu.au
Sun Nov 26 21:11:23 CET 2006
Hello Andrew,
I'm not sure how this is a problem. You can multiply the fitted
values by the weights again, if you wish, or ignore the structural
zeros altogether. The other predicted values all seem to me to be the
I think that is a feature. Sometimes the goal for glm with structural
zeros is to estimate those values that are missing. You are at
liberty to ignore them.
On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 02:47:01AM +0700, A.R. Criswell wrote:
> Hello Andrew Robinson and R-List
> Thanks, Andrew, but this does not work. Puttting zero weights on
> structural zeros, one's elsewhere in glm() does not deliver the
> appropriate expected cell counts loglm() provides as one would expect.
> If you run the code provided below, you'll see loglm() delivers zero
> cell counts with loglm() but using glm() with the weights you suggest,
> the expected cell counts are not zero.
> Still hoping for a resolution.
> Andrew Criswell
> Associate Professor
> Hedmark University
> Postboks 104, Rena 2510, NORWAY
> --
> ## Fienberg, The Analysis of Cross-Classified Contingency Tables, 2nd
> ed., p.148.
> ## Results from survey of teenagers regarding their health concerns.
> health <- data.frame(expand.grid(CONCERNS = c("sex", "menstral",
> "healthy", "nothing"),
> AGE = c("12-15", "16-17"),
> GENDER = c("male", "female")),
> COUNT = c(4, 0, 42, 57, 2, 0, 7, 20,
> 9, 4, 19, 71, 7, 8, 10, 21),
> WEIGHTS = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
> health.tbl <- xtabs(COUNT ~ CONCERNS + AGE + GENDER, data = health)
> zeros <- data.frame(expand.grid(CONCERNS = c("sex", "menstral",
> "healthy", "nothing"),
> AGE = c("12-15", "16-17"),
> GENDER = c("male", "female")),
> COUNT = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
> zeros <- xtabs(COUNT ~ CONCERNS + AGE + GENDER, data = zeros)
> library(MASS)
> fm.1 <- loglm(~ CONCERNS + AGE + GENDER,
> data = health.tbl, start = zeros, fitted = TRUE)
> fm.1; round(fm.1$fitted, 1)
> fm.3 <- glm(COUNT ~ CONCERNS + AGE + GENDER,
> data = health, weights = health$WEIGHTS, family = poisson)
> fm.3.fit <- data.frame(expand.grid(CONCERNS = c("sex", "menstral",
> "healthy", "nothing"),
> AGE = c("12-15", "16-17"),
> GENDER = c("male", "female")),
> COUNT = fm.3$fitted)
> round(xtabs(COUNT ~ CONCERNS + AGE + GENDER, data = fm.3.fit), 1)
Andrew Robinson
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Tel: +61-3-8344-9763
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia Fax: +61-3-8344-4599
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