[R] Newbie problem ... Forest plot

Michael Dewey info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Nov 21 21:23:35 CET 2006

At 17:58 20/11/2006, you wrote:
>Hi Michael..here`s sample data.: library(meta) 
>odds<-c(  0.03,  0.12, -0.14,  1.18,  0.26, -0.06, -0.02, 
>-0.32,   0.27,  0.80,  0.54,  0.18, -0.02,  0.23, -0.18, 
>-0.06,  0.30,  0.07,   -0.07     )   errs<-c( 0.125, 0.147, 0.167, 
>0.373, 0.369, 0.103, 0.103, 0.220,   0.164, 0.251, 0.302, 0.223, 
>0.289, 0.290, 0.159, 0.167, 0.139, 0.094,   0.174 )   out <- 
>metagen(odds,errs)   plot(out,xlab="test")   I don`t know how to put 
>names Group1,2,3 inside graph ... and different colors trough x and 
>y axis.? -----

I do not use meta myself (I use rmeta) but what happens when you use 
the studlab parameter?
I do not understand what you mean by different colours for the x and y axis.

>Original Message ---- From: Michael Dewey <info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk> 
>To: Peter Bolton <peterboolton at yahoo.com>; r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch 
>Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 2:30:37 PM Subject: Re: [R] Newbie 
>problem ... Forest plot At 15:59 16/11/2006, Peter Bolton 
>wrote: >Hello! >I have some data stored into 2 separate csv file. 1 
>file (called >A.csv) (12 results named Group1, Group2, Group3, 
>etc...) odds >ratios, 2 file (called B.csv) 12 corresponded 
>errors. >How to import that data into R and make forest plot like I 
>saw >inside help file Rmeta and meta with included different font 
>colors >and names trough X and Y axis. You need to show us what you 
>tried, and why it did not do what you want, for us to be able to 
>point you in the right direction. I think you also need to get a 
>good book on meta-analysis if you think that meta.MH from rmeta is 
>the right tool for your datset @BOOK{sutton00,    author = {Sutton, 
>A J and Abrams, K R and Jones, D R and Sheldon, T A 
>and             Song, F},    year = 2000,    title = {Methods for 
>meta-analysis in medical research},    publisher = 
>{Wiley},    address = {Chichester},    keywords = {meta-analysis, 
>general} } may help you. >I know for meta libb >... >out <- 
>metagen(name1,name2) >plot(out,xlab="abcd") >.... > >But I need for 
>my data to look like this? (copy from help file 
>rmeta) > >library(rmeta) >op <- par(lend="square", 
>no.readonly=TRUE) >data(catheter) >a <- meta.MH(n.trt, n.ctrl, 
>col.trt, col.ctrl, data=catheter, >              names=Name, 
>subset=c(13,6,5,3,7,12,4,11,1,8,10,2)) ># angry fruit 
>salad >metaplot(a$logOR, a$selogOR, nn=a$selogOR^-2, 
>a$names, >          summn=a$logMH, sumse=a$selogMH, 
>sumnn=a$selogMH^-2, >          logeffect=TRUE, 
>colors=meta.colors(box="magenta", >              lines="blue", 
>summary="orange", >              text="forestgreen")) >par(op) # 
>reset parameters > >Of course if someone have better idea to import 
>data - not trough >csv file no problem any format is OK - data frame 
>or something else >and to make forest plot ... no problem ... I need 
>them on the forest plot. >Greetings... >Peter Boolton >MCA adcc.. 
>Michael Dewey http://www.aghmed.fsnet.co.uk 
>Sponsored Link $420k for $1,399/mo. Think You Pay Too Much For Your 
>Mortgage? Find Out! www.LowerMyBills.com/lre
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Michael Dewey

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