[R] daisy() for gower distance calculation

Tyler Smith tyler.smith at mail.mcgill.ca
Mon Nov 20 17:35:41 CET 2006

On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 04:38:13PM +0000, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> If in R, daisy() implements most closely Gower's (1971) similarity
> (expressed as a distance) why shouldn't you use it? 

That's what I didn't get. All I know about daisy is what's on the help
page, and it wasn't clear to me how it related to the Gower
similarity. I had assumed that it was similar (and probably better),
but I did not realise that it provided numerically identical answers
(or at least it could if you wanted it to). After your email I looked
a little deeper, and yes indeed it does produce an identical distance
matrix to the one I get using vegdist (+/- 1.110223e-16).

This being the case there is no reason not to use it, and I expect I
will in future. For the time being, the scripts for my current
analysis use vegdist, which is also fine for my data.

Thanks, this has been very helpful for me!


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