[R] do.call("+", ...)

Robin Hankin r.hankin at noc.soton.ac.uk
Fri Nov 17 10:24:42 CET 2006


How do I make do.call() take "+" as a function for a list of more  
than two elements?

Toy problem follows:

f  <- function(i){matrix((1:6)^i,2,3)}

# Thus f() returns a matrix of size 2x3; I want to add a whole bunch  
of such matrices,
# as in  f(1) + f(2) + f(3) + f(4)

# But:

 > do.call("+",sapply(1:4,f,simplify=FALSE))
Error in do.call("+", sapply(1:4, f, simplify = FALSE)) :
	operator needs one or two arguments


 > do.call(sum,sapply(1:4,f,simplify=FALSE))
[1] 2828

doesn't do what I want (I would like a 2x3 matrix whose elements are the
sum of corresponding elements in my list)

How to do this nicely?

Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
  tel  023-8059-7743

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