[R] Stochastic SEIR model

Tamas K Papp tpapp at Princeton.EDU
Thu Nov 16 15:26:12 CET 2006

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 02:55:07PM +0100, Massimo Fenati wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I’m a new R-help user. I’ve read the advertisements about 
> the good manners and I hope to propose a good question.
> I’m using R to build an epidemiological SEIR model based 
> on ODEs. The odesolve package is very useful to solve 
> deterministic ODE systems but I’d like to perform a 
> stochastic simulation based on Markov chain Montecarlo 
> methods. I don’t know which packages could be used to do 
> it (I tried with "sde" but without results).
> Have you some suggestions about useful methods and/or 
> function in R for reaching my aim.

Hi Max,

I don't know what SEIR is.  R has some MCMC packages
(RSiteSearch("MCMC") will help you there), but it is easy to write a
Metropolis/Gibbs sampler yourself, making use of the structure of your

The sde package is for approximating likelihoods of continuous time
stochastic differential equations (which is a difficult problem by

It is hard to give more advice without knowing what you are trying to
achieve -- it is good that you have read the posting guide, but please
give more details if you want more specific answers.



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