[R] neg-bin clustered analysis in R?

Dave Atkins datkins at fuller.edu
Mon Nov 6 21:36:42 CET 2006


In addition to the previous suggestions, you might also have a look at the 
following paper:

Kelvin K. W. Yau, Kui Wang and Andy H. Lee. Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial 
Mixed Regression Modeling of Over-Dispersed Count Data with Extra Zeros. 
Biometrical Journal 45 (2003) 4, 437–452

The authors have written R/Splus code (available from them).  Although the 
article is focused on ZINB models with random-effects, the code will fit a 
NegBin with random-effects (if memory serves).

Hope that helps.

cheers, Dave

Dave Atkins, PhD
Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology
Fuller Graduate School of Psychology
Email: datkins at fuller.edu
Phone: 626.584.5554

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