[R] ssh and X11 forwarding (would like to see R plots on local X display)

Vladimir Eremeev wl at eimb.ru
Fri Nov 3 07:44:53 CET 2006

Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > I am working on the linux box (its DNS name is raccoon, to be
> > definite), Fedora Core 3.
> >
> > I connect with ssh to another linux box (Debian, dns name chena) and run R 
on it.
> > When I call a plotting function from the R command line, it produces the 
file Rplots.ps,
> > containing the required plot.

> Depending on the settings, you usually need to give the -X flag to ssh, e.g:
> user <at> racoon$ ssh -X chena
> If that doesn't work, try -Y. If that doesn't work, look inside
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config on chena to see if X forwarding is disabled.
> Deepayan

Thanks for the direction!

Everything is enabled, but still doesn't work.
xeyes and xclock give errors (Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0),
R produces Rplots.ps

I also have a windows box, and go to chena using PuTTY.
I have cygwin with X server installed on it.
If I enable X11 forwarding in PuTTY, start cygwin's X11 server on Windows and 
try to run xeyes or xclock, I see their windows on my local MS Windows desktop,
R still produces Rplots.ps.

Will try to catch sysadmins and fix the things with them (I don't have the root 
access to everything, unfortunately).

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