[R] ANOVA in Randomized-complete blocks design

January Weiner january at uni-muenster.de
Fri Nov 3 02:16:43 CET 2006

Dear all,

I am trying to repeat an example from Sokal and Rohlfs "Biometry" --
Box 11.4, example of a randomized-complete-blocks experiment.

The data is fairly simple:

series genotype weight
1     pp       0.958
1     pb       0.985
1     bb       0.925
2     pp       0.971
2     pb       1.051
2     bb       0.952
3     pp       0.927
3     pb       0.891
3     bb       0.892
4     pp       0.971
4     pb       1.010
4     bb       0.955

The model used for ANOVA in the book is

Y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + B_i + [(\alpha B)_{ij}] + \epsilon_{ij}

(I am not quite confident how to represent this model in R, see below)

The ANOVA table from S&R looks like this:

MSB    series         3   0.021  0.007  10.23 **
MSA    genotypes  2   0.010  0.005   6.97 *
MSE    error           6   0.004  0.001

In R, I am using the following model (is this correct?)

aov.ob = aov( genotype ~ genotype + series )

However, my results are

            Df    Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)
series       3 0.0135867 0.0045289  6.6360 0.02469 *
genotype     2 0.0056732 0.0028366  4.1563 0.07367 .
Residuals    6 0.0040948 0.0006825

What am I doing wrong?



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