[R] X11 device

Marius Hofert marius.hofert at uni-ulm.de
Wed May 31 20:55:54 CEST 2006


I am working with R on a Mac Powerbook G4. As described a couple of  
days ago, I would like to create an animation consisting of - say -  
1000 plots (lattice: xyplot, wireframe etc.). Everything works  
perfectly fine (thanks to all of you for the suggestions and ideas),  
but before I am able to plot (.png's in a for-loop), I have to start  
a X11 device. I was wondering if it is possible to start the X11  
device from the R console (as it is tedious to click the X11-button  
in the GUI). Searching through the web, I found the command "X11()",  
but that _only_ works, if the X11-button in the GUI was pressed  
before... otherwise, I get an error message that it wasn't possible  
to start the X11 device and I get an additional warning saying that  
the connection to the X11 display couldn't be opened.

Does it work to start such an device from the console? If so, what's  
the command to use?

Thanks very much in advance.


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