[R] Building V2.3.0 on Tru64 V5.1B

Ravi, Narendra, INFOT narendra at att.com
Sat May 27 01:49:58 CEST 2006

	I am going to be attempting a build of R for the alphas (our
main need is to collate and present graphically, performance metrics we
gather on our applications).

We have:

CC=cc, CXX=cxx, Fortran V5.51 (f77, f95), GNU make 3.80, Perl 5.8.4

I am hesitant to rebuild GCC on this platform, and would like to know if
others have success in building R with native C, C++ and Fortran. I plan
on using the following configure string:

CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/gnu/include -I/opt/libjpeg/include
-I/opt/libpng/include -I/opt/ncurses/include" CFLAGS="-std1"
LDFLAGS="-L/opt/gnu/lib -L/opt/libjpeg/lib -L/opt/libpng/lib
-L/opt/ncurses/lib -lncurses -ljpeg -lpng -rpath
ib" R_PAPERSIZE=letter CC=cc CXX=cxx ./configure prefix=/opt/R
--without-readline --without-blas

I expect to update the config.site file with the above values. If
someone has built R-2.3.0 on Tru64 V5.1B, I would appreciate hearing

Thank you,

Narendra Ravi

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