[R] random generation of a factor

Christian Bieli christian.bieli at gmx.ch
Mon May 22 22:22:34 CEST 2006

Dear Dave and Roland

Thanks for your answers! I think sample() does the job I'm looking for.
I also came up with rmultinom(), but could not make it working, because 
I don't want several multinomial distributed vectors, but one vector 
with K levels of predefined proportions. Propably there is a way to do 
that with rmultinom() - Dave, could you make up a short example?

Best wishes

Rau, Roland schrieb:

>>Does anybody know a function that generates a factor of 
>>length N with K 
>>levels given the proportions c(p1, p2,... ,pk)? It would not 
>## does this code piece help you?
>mydata <- c("yesterday", "today", "tomorrow")
>myproportions <- c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2)
>n <- 20
>sample(x=mydata, size=n, replace=TRUE, prob=myproportions)
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