[R] DICOM package wont read my DICOM files

Christoph Niedermayr niedermayr at trium.de
Fri May 12 17:33:31 CEST 2006

Hello there!

I hope there is someone out there who is using the DICOM package.
When Im trying to read my a DICOM file (MRI-data) I always get this

> dicom.info("~/myfile")
Error in readBin(fid, integer(), length, size = 1) : 
	invalid value of 'n'

The DICOM files that come with the DICOM package work just fine.
I already tried both endian options.

I can view my DICOM files in several viewers, and after converting them
to ANALYZE with "medcon", I can read them in R using the AnalyzeFMRI
The only thing is: medcon gives me "warning: Incorrect sequence length",
but the files work fine in every application I tried so far. Except the
DICOM package, that is.

I'm using R 2.1.1 and DICOM 0.12
Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to supply any of the files causing the
error :(


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