[R] importing a list

Robert Citek rwcitek at alum.calberkeley.org
Wed May 10 18:43:07 CEST 2006

Hello Grazia,

On May 10, 2006, at 10:23 AM, grazia at stat.columbia.edu wrote:
> I'm trying to automate some regression operations in R leaving the
> possibility to modify the predictors in the regression.
> For example, I have saved in a list the results and then exported  
> as a txt
> file, in which we can modify the predictors, putting for example
> lm(y~x^2) instead of having lm(y~x) as in the original model.
> Now, I need to import in R the txt file as a list to evaluate the  
> model.
> Is that possible?
> I played around with source() and file() but can't figure it out.

What OS are you using?  When you say the list is in a text file, how  
is the text file structured, e.g. CSV, TSV, fixed-width, other?

Here's an example of creating, writing, and reading a data.frame:

d <- data.frame(cbind(x=1, y=1:10))
write.table(d, file="r-data.txt", sep="\t", na="", quote=FALSE,  
row.names = FALSE)
d.new <- read.delim("r-data.txt")


- Robert
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