[R] boxplot - labelling

Joerg van den Hoff j.van_den_hoff at fz-rossendorf.de
Mon May 8 13:19:36 CEST 2006

Sachin J wrote:
> Hi,
>   How can I get the values of mean and median (not only points but values too) on the boxplot. I am using boxplot function from graphics package. Following is my data set
>   > df 
>   [1]  5  1  1  0  0 10 38 47  2  5  0 28  5  8 81 21 12  9  1 12  2  4 22  3
>   > mean.val <- sapply(df,mean)
>> boxplot(df,las = 1,col = "light blue")
>> points(seq(df), mean.val, pch = 19)
>   I could get mean as dot symbol but i need values too? Also how to print the x-axis labels vertically instead of horizontally? Is there any other function to achieve these?
>   Thanx in advance.
>   Sachin
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par(las = 3)
bxp <- boxplot(df,las = 1,col = "light blue")

to control label orientation and access the data displayed in the 
boxplot (see `?par', `?boxplot')


text(x, y, 'some_text_or_number')

to add text to the boxplot. for x, use the 'number of the box' (i.e. `1' 
in the example above). for y use the mean or median or whatever you wanted).


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