[R] Last Chance: SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA JUNE 5-8, Data Mining Training/Workshop

Lisa Solomon lisas at salford-systems.com
Wed May 17 07:27:25 CEST 2006

Last chance to register for Sydney, Australia Data Mining Training and Workshop. 

Training: June 5-7, 2006
Workshop: June 8, 2006
Register for 1, 2, 3 or 4 days.

Australian Graduate School of Management, Lecture Theatre
Number 1 O'Connell Street
Sydney, Australia

Objective: The training and workshop are aimed at bringing together researchers and practitioners to learn about data mining technology from practical and theoretical experts.  Expect to exchange ideas and experiences focused on the practice of both data mining and the real world analysis of complex data.

REAL-WORLD CASE STUDY PRESENTATIONS: Banking, CRM, Epidemiology, Insurance, Logistics, Market Research, Public Health and Telecommunications.

TRAINING and MODELLING STRATEGIES: Instruction by practical and theoretical experts.
See Details below.

Register now:


Andrew Cathie, GE Money
"Application Score Card Development for a Consumer Finance Product"

Rita Chakravarti, Citibank, N.A.
"Bureau Policy Development and Better Targeting in Consumer Business Using CART"

Dr. Shenghan Lai, Johns Hopkins University Medical School
"MARS, CART, TreeNet/MART for Epidemiological Research: Identifying
Relationships That Cannot Be Identified In Any Other Way"

Dean McKenzie, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
"Hazardous or Harmful Alcohol Use in Royal Australian Navy Veterans of the 1991 Gulf War: Identification of High Risk Subgroups"

Inna Kolyshkina, Price Waterhouse Coopers
"Using Text Mining in Customer Analytics.  War Stories and Case Studies"

Richard Brookes, Taylor Fry Consulting Actuaries and Mitchell Prevett, Price Waterhouse Coopers
"Statistical Case Estimation Modelling - An Overview of the NSW
WorkCover Model"

Charles Pollack, Suncorp Metway Actuarial Services
"Experiences Applying Insurance Tasks to the New CART 6 Software:
Customer Retention and Data Analytics"

Bradley Utz, Schneider National, Inc.
"Using Classification Trees to Explain Failure to Deliver On-Time"

David McCloskey, Pathfinder Solutions
"Achieving Better Insights Into Customer Behaviour Through Integrating
Market Research with Decision Tree Behaviour Modelling"

Inna Kolyshkina, Price Waterhouse Coopers
"Using Text Mining in Customer Analytics.  War Stories and Case Studies"

--"Tutorials Introducing CART , MARS, TreeNet, MART and RandomForests"
--"New Features in CART and TreeNet"
--"Combining Linear and Non-Linear Modelling Techniques: Getting the Best
of Two Worlds"
--"Creative Use of Data Mining to Win Two Top Data Mining Competitions"

Please feel free to forward this email to any colleagues who might be
interested in attending.

Best regards,
Lisa Solomon
Salford Systems
Phone: 001-619-543-8880 x146
Fax: 001-619-543-8888
E-mail: lisas at salford-systems.com
Website: www.salforddatamining.com

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