[R] as.matrix and one row

Federico Calboli f.calboli at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Mar 28 17:47:10 CEST 2006

Hi All,

I have the following problem:

x = c(1,2)
[1] 1 2

[1,]    1
[2,]    2

BUT, if I add:

y = c(3,4)

  [,1] [,2]
x    1    2
y    3    4

It does not transpose. Since I will need as.matrix() for a list of data
that is in one or more lines, I need as.matrix to behave in a consisten
fashions, so I get 

as.matrix(x, whatever)
  [,1] [,2]
x    1    2


as.matrix(rbind(x,y), whatever)
  [,1] [,2]
x    1    2
y    3    4

I tried byrow =T, does not make a thing.


Federico Calboli

Federico C. F. Calboli
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
Imperial College, St Mary's Campus
Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG

Tel  +44 (0)20 7594 1602     Fax (+44) 020 7594 3193

f.calboli [.a.t] imperial.ac.uk
f.calboli [.a.t] gmail.com

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