[R] Hessian from optim()

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Tue Mar 21 16:28:22 CET 2006

On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, Gregor Gorjanc wrote:

> Hello!
> Looking on how people use optim to get MLE I also noticed that one can
> use returned Hessian to get corresponding standard errors i.e. something
> like
> result <- optim(<< snip >>, hessian=T)
> result$par                  # point estimates
> vc <- solve(result$hessian) # var-cov matrix
> se <- sqrt(diag(vc))        # standard errors
> What is actually Hessian representing here? I appologize for lack of
> knowledge, but ... Attached PDF can show problem I am facing with this
> issue.

The Hessian is the second derivative of the objective function, so if the 
objective function is minus a loglikelihood the hessian is the observed 
Fisher information.   The inverse of the hessian is thus an estimate of 
the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.

For some models this is exactly I/n in your notation, for others it is 
just close (and there are in fact theoretical reasons to prefer the 
observed information).  I don't remember whether the two-parameter gamma 
family is one where the observed and expected information are identical.


PS:  \stackrel{d}{\to}

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