[R] Fixed legend in vcd/mosaicplot (package vcd)

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Tue Mar 21 14:31:48 CET 2006

Dieter Menne wrote:

> Uwe Ligges <ligges <at> statistik.uni-dortmund.de> writes:
>>>I want to attach a fixed legend to mosaicplot, e.g. -3..3 independently of
>>>the data in the graphics. This must be hidden somehow in shading/legend, but
>>>I could not get the right handle to it.
>>   plot(1:10)
>>   legend(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
>>          legend="Example", pch=1, xjust=1)
> :> I would not dare to ask this here. mosaicplot is part of package vcd, it's 
> now grid based, and has a very flexible but a little awkward decoration 
> interface. "legend" is the interface to the shading legend.
> Dieter

Oh sorry, was not aware of that. I'd have to look into the "grid" topic 
myself (and I left Paul's book at home ;-)), hence let the real experts 
comment on this issue...


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