[R] lme4/Matrix: Call to .Call("mer_update_y"...) and LMEoptimize gives unexpected side effect...

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Tue Mar 21 03:27:05 CET 2006

	  You provided the code for "LMEoptimize" and "lmerControl", but your 
data.frame Semiconductor was "not found".  Therefore, I could not 
replicate your problem.  However, some external functions use their 
inputs for temporary storage or even to return values.  This was smart 
programming decades ago when programmer time was much cheaper than 
memory.  Today, I regard it as a user hostile feature of some code.

	  hope this helps.
	  spencer graves

 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, i386-pc-mingw32

attached base packages:
[1] "methods"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"
[7] "base"

other attached packages:
      lme4   lattice    Matrix
"0.995-2" "0.12-11" "0.995-5"

Søren Højsgaard wrote:

> Dear all
> I want to compute Monte Carlo p-values in lmer-models based on sampled data sets. To speed up calculations, I've tried to use internal functions from the Matrix package (as suggested ealier on the list by Doug Bates). 
> So I did:
>  fm2 <- lmer(resistance ~ ET + position + (1|Grp), Semiconductor,method='ML')
>  simdata<-simulate(fm2,nsim=1)
>  ynew <- simdata[,1]
>  mer <- fm2
>  .Call("mer_update_y", mer, ynew, PACKAGE = "Matrix") 
>  mer1u <- LMEoptimize(mer, lmerControl(mer))
> What puzzles me is that this call alters my original model fm2 as some kind of side effect. In fact, after the call fm2 is the same as mer1u. Is this side effect intentional and is it possible to avoid?
> A detail is that "LMEoptmize" and "LMEoptimize<-" are not exported from the namespace in Matrix, so I simply copied the LMEoptimize function and made it an ordinary function as shown below.
> Thanks in advance
> Søren
> LMEoptimize <- function(x, value)
>              {
>                  if (value$msMaxIter < 1) return(x)
>                  nc <- x at nc
>                  constr <- unlist(lapply(nc, function(k) 1:((k*(k+1))/2) <= k))
>                  fn <- function(pars)
>                      deviance(.Call("mer_coefGets", x, pars, 2, PACKAGE = "Matrix"))
>                  gr <- if (value$gradient)
>                      function(pars) {
>                          if (!isTRUE(all.equal(pars,
>                                                .Call("mer_coef", x,
>                                                      2, PACKAGE = "Matrix"))))
>                              .Call("mer_coefGets", x, pars, 2, PACKAGE = "Matrix")
>                          .Call("mer_gradient", x, 2, PACKAGE = "Matrix")
>                      }
>                  else NULL
> 		 optimRes <- nlminb(.Call("mer_coef", x, 2, PACKAGE = "Matrix"),
>                                     fn, gr,
>                                     lower = ifelse(constr, 5e-10, -Inf),
>                                     control = list(iter.max = value$msMaxIter,
>                                     trace = as.integer(value$msVerbose)))
>                  .Call("mer_coefGets", x, optimRes$par, 2, PACKAGE = "Matrix")
>                  if (optimRes$convergence != 0) {
>                      warning(paste("nlminb returned message",
>                                    optimRes$message,"\n"))
>                  }
>                  return(x)
>              }
> lmerControl <-
>   function(maxIter = 200, # used in ../src/lmer.c only
>            tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),# ditto
>            msMaxIter = 200,
>            ## msTol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
>            ## FIXME:  should be able to pass tolerances to nlminb()
>            msVerbose = getOption("verbose"),
>            niterEM = 15,
>            EMverbose = getOption("verbose"),
>            PQLmaxIt = 30,# FIXME: unused; PQL currently uses 'maxIter' instead
>            gradient = TRUE,
>            Hessian = FALSE # unused _FIXME_
>            )
> {
>     list(maxIter = as.integer(maxIter),
>          tolerance = as.double(tolerance),
>          msMaxIter = as.integer(msMaxIter),
>          ## msTol = as.double(msTol),
>          msVerbose = as.integer(msVerbose),# "integer" on purpose
>          niterEM = as.integer(niterEM),
>          EMverbose = as.logical(EMverbose),
>          PQLmaxIt = as.integer(PQLmaxIt),
>          gradient = as.logical(gradient),
>          Hessian = as.logical(Hessian))
> }
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