[R] Disconnect all MySQL connections

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Mon Mar 6 15:35:46 CET 2006

mailto-nik at bluemail.ch wrote:

> Hi
> I've got the error "cannot allocate a new connection -- maximum of 16 connections
> already opened" after I tried to create a new connection to a database. However,
> the reason ist, that i did not disconnect previous connections....
> I don't know the name of this connections. How can I disconnect this "unknown"
> connections and drivers? if I delete all objects, the error still occurs.
> Exists a function which i don't know?
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Regards
> Nik
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Which package are we talking about?

RODBC has: odbcCloseAll()
RMySQL has: dbListConnections() and dbDisconnect()

And others have other methods, just read the corresponding manuals.

Uwe Ligges

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