[R] read file with readBin (the file was saved with a C-routine)

Jörn Schulz noah78 at web.de
Wed Jun 28 17:48:00 CEST 2006


I have problems with using of "readBin" to read files, which was written in C with "fwrite". In the C-File there is the following Code:


where MyitINI is a structure of the following form

typedef struct{
 int  KernelFileSave;      /* Determined, if Systemmatrix saved or not.*/
 char KernelFileName[200]; /* A-Matrix name                            */
 char StartFileName[200];  /* Startguess (optional)                    */
 int XSamples;             /* No of samples on 1. axis of recon image  */
 int YSamples;             /* No of samples on 2. axis of recon image  */
 float DeltaX;             /* Sampling distance 1. axis of recon image */
 float DeltaY;             /* Sampling distance 2. axis of recon image */
 float Xmin;               /* 1. sample position 1.axis of recon image */
 float Ymin;               /* 1. sample position 2.axis of recon image */
 }  itINItype;

I thought the following use of "readBin" sould it do, but it doesn't

KernelFileSave <- readBin( con, integer(), n=1, size=4 )
KernelFileName <- readBin( con, character(), n=1 )
StartFileName <- readBin( con, character(), n=1 )
XSamples <- readBin( con, integer(), n=1, size=4 )
YSamples <- readBin( con, integer(), n=1, size=4 )
DeltaX <- readBin( con, numeric(), n=1, size=4 )
DeltaY <- readBin( con, numeric(), n=1, size=4 )
Xmin <- readBin( con, numeric(), n=1, size=4 )
Ymin <- readBin( con, numeric(), n=1, size=4 )

I think there is a problem if I read the character. Have you any ideas ???

Thanks for help.
Jörn Schulz.
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