[R] Passing argument to a function called within another function
Aarti Dahiya
aarti_dahiya at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 27 22:36:00 CEST 2006
#Test at command line
This should give the result- select * from table_name where name='John'
Instead, it gives- select * from table_name where = ' name = 'John'
The reason is because in function call queryGenerator$generateQuery(passed)
from within getQuery(), passed is a character vector so the function
generateQuery() treats the whole thing as one argument value i.e. as
What can I do solve this problem? Thanks. I appreciate any help.
File QueryGenerator.R
#Constructor for QueryGenerator
setConstructorS3("QueryGenerator", function()
extend(Object(), "QueryGenerator")
# Called when print(object) or object$print is called
setMethodS3("as.character", "QueryGenerator", function(this)
paste("This is a QueryGenerator object.")
# getData function generates the SQL query
setMethodS3("generateQuery", "QueryGenerator", function(this,...)
args <- list(...)
sql <- "select * from table_name where"
for(i in 1:length(args))
sql = paste(sql, names(args[i]), "=", args[[i]], collapse = " ")
else if(is.character(args[[i]]))
sql = paste(sql, names(args[i]), "=", sQuote(args[[i]]), collapse = "
# If in the current iteration args is not the last argument
# add "and" keyword
if(!identical(i, length(args)))
if(identical(names(args[i]),names(args[i + 1])))
sql = paste(sql, "or", collapse = " ")
sql = paste(sql, "and", collapse = " ")
cat("\nIntermediate Queries\n")
cat("\n\nFinal query\n")
File getQuery.R
getQuery <- function(...)
args <- list(...)
#Create the argument to be passed to generateQuery
passed <- sub(",", "", paste(rbind(",", names(args), "=", sQuote(args)),
collapse = " "))
#Create the QueryGenerator Object
queryGenerator <- QueryGenerator()
#Call getData() of DataRetriever class.
results <- queryGenerator$generateQuery(passed)
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