[R] R-help in a newsgroup

Darren Weber darrenleeweber at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 20:30:53 CEST 2006


I find a lot of the R-help email traffic overloads my inbox.  My IT
managers are not really happy for me to be subscribed to several
high-traffic email lists.  I don't want to lose my contact with the
R-help emails, so I'm having to consider various ways of handling the
traffic.  Anyhow, I'm wondering how many people on the R-help email
list would prefer that most of the traffic were in a newsgroup?  In
case your interested in that option, there is a group available at:

The-R-Project-for-Statistical-Computing at googlegroups.com

I think the subscription is through normal news group channels.  The
google search services on this group are nice too.  This group is not
divided into useful categories, like help, admin, develop etc., but
it's not too difficult to create new groups for that.

Best, Darren

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