[R] About lmer output

Juan Pablo Sánchez juansan at dca.upv.es
Wed Jan 25 18:02:19 CET 2006

Dear R users:
I am using lmer fo fit binomial data with a probit link function:

> fer_lmer_PQL<-lmer(fer ~ gae + ctipo + (1|perm) -1,  
+                family = binomial(link="probit"), 
+                method = 'PQL',
+                data = FERTILIDAD,
+                msVerbose= True)

The output look like this:
> fer_lmer_PQL
Generalized linear mixed model fit using PQL 
Formula: fer ~ gae + ctipo + (1 | perm) - 1 
 Family: binomial(probit link)
      AIC      BIC    logLik deviance
 2728.086 2918.104 -1332.043 2664.086
Random effects:
     Groups        Name    Variance    Std.Dev. 
       perm (Intercept)     0.28256     0.53156 
# of obs: 2802, groups: perm, 529

Estimated scale (compare to 1)  0.8958656 

My question is about the meaning of  "Estimated scale (compare to 1)  0.8958656 "

I think that the scale would be 0.28256+1.0, Isn´t it?

Thanks in advance,
Juan Pablo Sánchez

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