[R] label of second y-axis in xyplot (lattice)

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 23:30:18 CET 2006

On 1/16/06, Antje SchÃ¼le <Antje.Schuele at komdat.com> wrote:
> Dear group,
> First I provide you with an example, I found in the newsgroup. Then I'd like
> to explain my problem to you by means of the output.
> enviro <-
>     data.frame(Year = rep(2001:2002, each = 365),
>                Day = rep(1:365, 2),
>                Precip = pmax(0, rnorm(365 * 2)),
>                Temp = 2 + 0.2 * rnorm(365 * 2))
> xyplot(Precip + Temp ~ Day | Year, data=enviro,
>        layout = c(1, 2),
>        panel = panel.superpose.2,
>        type = c('h', 'l'))
> Now my question.
> How can I achieve different labels for two y-axes? (Here this is not the
> case, but the example should just visualize my question.)
> So here in this case I'd like to have two labels. On the "normal" y-side
> (axis2) the label = "Precip", on the other side (axis4) the label "Temp".

The design of xyplot etc doesn't permit this. One (fake) solution is
to add a legend:

xyplot(Precip + Temp ~ Day | Year, data=enviro,
       layout = c(1, 2),
       panel = panel.superpose.2,
       ylab = "Precip",
       legend = list(right =
       list(fun = grid::textGrob("Temp", rot = 90))),
       type = c('h', 'l'))


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